Wednesday, February 4, 2009

37 Weeks

The good news is that today Xander is officially full-term! Yeah, we made it! The bad news is that the version(aka "turning") did not work. The version was not a pleasant procedure, but I was able to bear through the pain and extreme discomfort, with some added relief from acupuncture, compliments of Molly. The actual turning lasted maybe ten minutes, so it was a fairly quick procedure. Dr. Davis was able to get Xander's head down but not all the way into my pelvis. This left baby transverse with his head down, which was promising, but only temporarily. Success would have been achieved had Xander then shimmied down into my pelvis on his own. But he didn't. I got onto my side to have fetal heart monitoring for about an hour, in hopes that this position would coax him down into my pelvis. I got up after an hour to go to the bathroom and by the time I sat back down on the bed, Xander had shifted right back up into his original head-up position. So much for all of that! I think the problem was that the septum of my uterus was in the way, and his little feet couldn't get past the septum. It probably made it even easier to get back into position, because he had a little something to push off from! Alas, I have not lost all hope. There is still chance that he could turn on his own in the next two weeks before I have to get a c-section. I will still try to do all that I can to help him turn and most of all I will try to be positive about whatever the outcome is. Luckily, I am still feeling pretty good considering I am in the last weeks. I'm not sleeping great and I can only fit into two pairs of shoes because my feet are so swollen, but I feel lucky that everything else is fine.

1 comment:

  1. You are so close! Its a bummer that he isn't turning, but its such a good feeling to know that they have reached full term isn't it?
