Xander is now 9 weeks old, smiling and sprouting some hair on his head. He has been doing great lately, he really seems to be growing up! His personality is becoming more evident to us every day, which mostly has to do with more alert time. He still is sleeping a ton, maybe 6 hours during the day and then 11 hours at night. His nights are still going great, today he didn't wake until 5 am since putting him to bed at 8 and then doing a dream feed at 10:30! He had his first big set of vaccines at the doctor's and did great-no strange reactions, just didn't sleep very well that night. He is now around 13 pounds and 25 inches long, so he is a tall lanky fella (gee-I wonder where he gets that from?).
We have been attending the Baby and Me classes at Legacy Emanuel on Wednesdays and it is super helpful to hear other Mom's concerns and share info about our babies. The leader of Baby and Me, Bonnie, taught our Birthing Class and she is so sweet and laid-back and has great suggestions for us.
He has been hangin' with Grandma Lisa a few times a week while I go workout and love playing with the Big Bird puppet and doing tummy time on her carpet.
At home, playtime still consists of his infant activity chair, which he still loves, and singing and playing games on Mommy or Daddy's lap. We sing itsy-bitsy spider, ABC song (with sign language!), peek-a-boo, and we have little pretend conversations-where he has the chance to make sounds (even little giggles) after Mommy or Daddy makes sounds. It's pretty cute! His expressions are starting to come out more-smiling and happy are the most common. He seems facinated with his ability to make spit bubble and it has become a favorite passtime for Xander. Check out the video below for evidence!
Lyrik and I have been working a lot in our yard getting our garden ready and preparing a new raspberry patch. Usually Xander sleeps while we work outside, but occasionally we bring out his swing or his little play yard and he just watches us or stares at the trees and sky. Our garden is all loaded up with seeds and starts and all we have to do is wait for everything to grow. The raspberries won't produce a crop until next year, and even that will be a smallish one compared to the third year. I can't wait to have them! The blueberries I planted last year should give a small crop this year. I wish Xander was old enough to be eating by the time they are ready, but he'll be a bit too young. We are supposed to be starting our CSA (community sponsored agriculture) this June, where we pay up front for a share in a farm and get a box of fresh organic veggies every week for a year. Xander will get some great baby food from those boxes in a few more months!